A Comprehensive Look At The Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Mar 23, 2020

A Comprehensive Look At The Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care | AICA Lithia SpringsChiropractic care is a standard treatment option, with nearly 27 million Americans seeking refuge with this holistic approach. Is chiropractic care something you have thought about? Are you looking for a way to manage your pain and optimize your health?

To reach the highest potential in your chiropractic treatment, it is suggested that you have several visits to maintain a healthy spine. Our Lithia Springs chiropractic clinic provides a variety of treatment options for a wide array of conditions.

What Are Chiropractic Adjustments?

The most commonly practiced therapeutic approach in chiropractic care is an adjustment. An adjustment is performed by a chiropractor using their hands and other tools to apply pressure and a force to correct misalignments in the spine. When improving alignment, range of motion, and the overall functions of the body drastically improve.


Back pain and neck injuries are most commonly associated with chiropractic care, but that is not the only area of the body that can benefit from this therapy. Even though chiropractors excel in areas of the spine, they are also skilled in treating a variety of other conditions. These conditions are:

Fewer Headaches/Migraines

Receiving a regular chiropractic adjustment has shown effective in treating chronic headaches and migraines. With migraines, many times, there is tension and pressure, which is caused by a misaligned spine.

Migraine sufferers can also learn many techniques that they can do at home in between chiropractic adjustments to manage their symptoms best.

Lower Blood Pressure

Those who may find themselves with high blood pressure can also benefit from chiropractic adjustments. A benefit of adjustments, when receiving them regularly, has proven effective in not only lowering blood pressure but allowing for patients to reduce their required medication or discontinuing it altogether. The study also showed that the results of one adjustment even lasted for longer than six months.

Improved Posture

Posture goes a long way with regards to your health. With adjustments and in-home stretches under the advisement of a chiropractor, those who endure posture-related conditions can begin to see improvement.

Improved Athletic Performance

Those who engage in athletics can benefit significantly from chiropractic care. As athletes perform in their craft, they are at a higher risk of injury, which can cause an increase in inflammation. When adjustments have been performed, the level of swelling can decrease.

Improved Immune Performance

When inflammation is in the body, the immune system will not function as correctly as it should. An adjustment can help to reduce this inflammation and help to fight off infections more efficiently.

As allergies begin to ramp up this time of year, visiting with your chiropractor can aid in relieving your allergies.

When To Get Adjusted?

Chiropractic adjustments have many benefits. What exactly does “regular” mean, though? Do you need to visit the chiropractor once per day? Once per week?

It’s a fluid scale and mainly depends on your condition. The frequency with which you need to visit the chiropractor depends on a variety of factors, including the following:

  • The specific requirement for which you’re receiving treatment
  • The severity of your symptoms
  • How well you respond to and start seeing results from the adjustments

At the beginning of treatment, it is suggested to see your chiropractor regularly, which potentially means once a week for an adjustment.

As time goes on and you begin to respond to treatment and see results, you’ll be able to come in on a less frequent basis. Soon, you’ll get to the point where you only need to come in every once in a while for maintenance adjustments.

Maintenance Adjustments

Much like the name, maintenance adjustments are designed to help you maintain the results you’ve seen from your chiropractic adjustments.

If you would like to seek long term results, regular appointments are suggested. They can help to keep your spine in proper alignment so that you don’t see a recurrence of your symptoms later on.

These maintenance appointments are beneficial as they allow the chiropractor to catch abnormalities in the spine and allow for quick treatment.

When meeting with your chiropractor regularly, you will face less discomfort as well as preventing potential pain. This method is a natural approach that also decreases the need for treatment from other areas of medicine.

Finding a Chiropractor Right For You

To have long-lasting effects, meet with a chiropractor regularly for the most effective results.
Here are some tips to help you find a qualified chiropractor who’s equipped to handle your case:

  • Ask for a referral from friends, family members, or your doctor
  • Find out if they accept your insurance
  • Learn about their education and experience
  • Make sure they participate in regular continuing education courses
  • Find someone who offers the specific services you need
  • Look for online reviews and testimonials backing up their work

It is suggested to check with your state licensing board to learn about the chiropractor’s reputation. This will allow you to identify any red flags, such as disciplinary actions held against them.

Get Your First Adjustment Today

Why consider chiropractic care? Whether you suffer from severe migraines, allergies, or body pain, chiropractors can provide you with a form of relief.

Knowing the benefits, does this sound like a treatment you would like to explore? At our Lithia Springs chiropractic clinic, our skilled doctors can offer you extensive knowledge and effective treatment options.

If you are ready to take your health to the next level, contact our team of doctors today by dialing (404) 602-0388 to schedule an appointment.


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