Can an Orthopedic Surgeon Help with Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Oct 15, 2021

People who work with their hands and wrists repeatedly are more likely to develop pain and discomfort. Repetitive movements can cause inflammation and aggravate the soft tissues like muscles and tendons that help you with certain movements. Hand and wrist pain can be a sign of carpal tunnel in people who use repetitive motions, like typing at a computer for hours at a time. If you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, then you may start to notice burning, tingling, and even weakness in your hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome can even affect your ability to grip or hold things in your hand. If you experience significant carpal tunnel pain and non-invasive treatment options have not been successful, then you should visit your orthopedic surgeon in Lithia Springs for consultation and treatment options.

How the Carpal Tunnel Works

The carpal tunnel refers to a passage in your wrist that houses and protects the median nerve. This nerve runs from your arm to your hand and helps control movements in your hand and fingers, except the pinky finger. The pinky finger is actually controlled by a separate nerve. Repetitive movements can cause aggravation, like inflammation and swelling in the area. When tissues swell, it can put pressure on the carpal tunnel that surrounds the median nerve. This can cause the carpal tunnel to actually compress the median nerve, which is what causes your uncomfortable pain and other symptoms of carpal tunnel.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling, itching, and burning sensations in the palm of your hand and into your fingers and thumb. Typically, the wrist, palm thumb, pointer finger, and middle fingers are most affected by carpal tunnel syndrome. You may start to experience a sensation like a shock or a shooting pain that goes from your wrist and into your hand. You may also experience tingling sensations that move up your arm. Some people experience the sensation of their fingers “falling asleep” and becoming temporarily numb. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also cause weakness in your hands, which can affect your ability to grip and hold things well. If left untreated, these symptoms can worsen and lead to reduced sensation in your fingers and decrease your strength and coordination in your hands and wrists.

Seeking Orthopedic Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Pain

Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome will depend on the severity of your pain and how far the condition has progressed. If caught early enough, your doctor may be able to recommend simple lifestyle changes to help provide better strength and support to your hands and wrists. Your doctor may recommend wearing a brace to provide better support to your hand and wrist while you perform more repetitive tasks, like typing. There are also splints that can help lessen pressure on your median nerve while you sleep by immobilizing the area. Certain stretches and exercises can also help improve your strength and mobility. When your muscles and tendons are stronger, they are better able to provide the necessary support to your wrist joint.

Seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon for Carpal Tunnel Pain

If more conservative approaches to manage your carpal tunnel pain have been less than successful, then you may want to seek out an orthopedic surgeon to help with your carpal tunnel pain. An orthopedic surgeon can consult on whether or not surgery would be a recommended treatment option so you can experience longer-lasting pain relief. One type of surgical option for carpal tunnel pain is called carpal tunnel release, which actually increases the size of the carpal tunnel so that the pressure on the median nerve decreases. If other treatments like braces or splints, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes haven’t been able to help, then surgery for carpal tunnel pain may be recommended. An orthopedic surgeon will discuss your options with you, including recommendations for whether an open surgery or endoscopic surgery would be best for you.

Recovering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Visit an orthopedic surgeon in Lithia Springs to learn more about whether surgery is an option for you to help manage your carpal tunnel pain. AICA Orthopedics in Lithia Springs has a team of doctors to help with conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, including highly trained and skilled orthopedic surgeons who can work with you to alleviate your pain.


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