Most Common Injuries for Young Athletes

Mar 15, 2021

Most-Common-Injuries-for-Young-AthletesParticipation in sports and activities is incredibly beneficial to children’s development, from learning how to work well together on a team to increasing their physical activity. While children’s sports are quite popular, they do come with risks like injuries. Over 2 million children under the age of 18 end up in the emergency room each year with a sports injury. If your child has been injured playing a sport then you might find yourself searching for a “chiropractor near me” with expertise in treating young athletes. Here are some helpful things to know about injuries in young athletes.

How Injuries Affect Growing Children

Children’s bodies are constantly growing well into adolescence and young adulthood, and injuries sustained during sports and activities can negatively impact their growth if not treated properly. Children and adolescents are more susceptible to sports injuries because of how their bodies are constantly growing and changing. They’re growing taller, gaining weight, and developing strength and stamina. With each growth spurt, there is a slight learning curve as children adjust to their ever-changing bodies, which can result in a temporary loss of coordination and motor skills. Young children are more flexible than adolescents, so when children start to grow up, they may not be able to participate in activities like they used to without the risk of injury. While sports can help children improve their coordination and motor skills, they must learn to participate in activities safely in order to avoid injury.

Types of Sports Injuries in Young Athletes

The most common types of sports injuries in young athletes are acute injuries and overuse injuries. Acute injuries refer to sudden injuries like a broken bone, torn muscle, or twisted ankle during the activity. Overuse injuries occur due to repetitive movements over time that can put undue strain and stress on the body. Both acute injuries and overuse injuries are common in young athletes, including the following:

  • Muscle Sprains and Ligament Strains: These are common types of both acute and overuse injuries, depending on how the sprain or strain occurred. A young athlete may experience wrist or ankle sprain after a particular motion during a sporting event, or they may slowly strain their wrist or ankle due to overuse and improper form. When it comes to treating sprains and strains in young athletes, it is important to teach them to rest the area and avoid any additional stress or pressure until the swelling and pain have gone down. Braces or splints may be recommended to help support the area during recovery or even during the sport itself.
  • Dislocations and Fractures: Dislocations and fractures can also be acute injuries or due to overuse, depending on the situation. A young athlete who develops shin splints, for example, may continue to play and put too much continued pressure on the area, causing what was a milder injury into stress fractures. This is common with runners and sports that require young athletes to be constantly on the go. Your young athlete may also have a dislocated shoulder or knee due to a particularly hard blow, like in a football game or wrestling match. Young athletes can even experience fractures, which are more commonly known as broken bones. Both dislocations and fractures must be addressed by a doctor to ensure the bones heal in the correct position because they will continue to grow.

Preventing Injuries in Young Athletes

You may find yourself looking for a “chiropractor near me” not because your young athlete has sustained an injury, but because you’re hoping to find preventative care. Chiropractic care has lots of benefits and is a type of therapeutic and preventative care that uses a natural, safe, and gentle approach to working with young athletes and their growing bodies. Your chiropractor may assess your young athlete’s alignment in their spine and joints and recommend specific stretches and exercises to help with growing muscles and improving mobility. There are also measures your young athlete can take to help prevent injuries, like participating in warm-ups and stretches before participating in strenuous activities and taking time to rest and recover after practices and games. If your child participates in high-impact activities like football, soccer, or wrestling, then they may want to consider more low-impact activities like swimming or yoga in their off-seasons.

At AICA Orthopedics in Lithia Springs, our team of chiropractors can work with athletes of all ages to treat and prevent injury. Contact AICA Lithia Springs today to get started on a personalized treatment plan for your young athlete today!


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